

About Sanjana

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So far Sanjana has created 541 blog entries.

important basics of chemistry

Introduction Hello there, I hope you're doing well. Basically, Chemistry is a vast subject. But, it is necessary for everyone to learn the important basics of chemistry. As your knowledge is incomplete without the basics. Keep reading till the end of the blog for all the important basics. Chemistry [...]

important basics of chemistry2022-06-20T14:33:32+05:30

care of surgical wound

INTRODUCTION Hey there, I hope you're doing good. Do you know why 'care of surgical wound' is necessary? In this blog, you'll read about the meaning as well as the care of surgical wounds. Likewise, you'll also read about the purposes and important articles for caring the surgical wounds. [...]

care of surgical wound2022-06-20T14:32:35+05:30

8 qualities of software product

Introduction Hey there, I hope you're doing well. Generally, you all are familiar with the term 'Software'. But, do you know about the features/qualities of software products? In this blog, you're gonna read about the '8 qualities of software product'. Let's get started.... The Goal of any engineering activity is [...]

8 qualities of software product2022-06-20T14:31:07+05:30

multimedia usage in various sectors

Introduction Hey there, I hope you're doing good. This blog is all about Multimedia and Multimedia usage in various sectors. Adding to it, you'll also read about the advantages and disadvantages of multimedia usage. So, keep reading till the end of the blog. Let's get started...... What is Multimedia? Identically, [...]

multimedia usage in various sectors2022-06-20T14:30:14+05:30

types of chemical reactions with examples

Introduction Hello there, I hope you're doing well. Previously, we discussed chemical reactions. In this blog, you'll read about the types of chemical reactions with examples. Moreover, you'll also get to know about 'additional types of chemical reactions with examples'. What is a chemical reaction? A chemical reaction is a process [...]

types of chemical reactions with examples2022-05-26T12:53:04+05:30

the role of media in India

Introduction Hey there, I hope you're doing good. Basically, we all are aware of Media. But, it is not that easy to understand the chain of media & how media works. Do you know about the role of media in India? In this blog, we'll cover the role of [...]

the role of media in India2022-06-20T14:27:37+05:30

role of colors in human life

Introduction Hey there, I hope you are doing well. Generally, in this world, every person is familiar with types of color and their use.  But, are you aware of the “Role of Colors in Human Life”? Before discussing it, we will shortlist the topic discussed in this blog. The [...]

role of colors in human life2022-06-20T14:26:41+05:30
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