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Real life Application of Mathematics

The most important topic is to study the scope and applications of mathematics. Generally, mathematics is considered a very tough subject or can say very boring subject or many people think that there is no direct use of mathematics in the real world, but actually this is not the fact. May be mathematics is tough to understand but this only depends on practice, focus on the subject, and method of teaching too through which one can understand with interest and find the victory on the difficulty of subjects. In the Current scenario, mathematics is playing a very important role in daily life. After the selection of real-world problem we can find the solution mathematically and on the base of that solution, one can do the prediction of ups and downs and can plan a secure future on basis of result or conclusion.

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Mathematics is a subject that needs a lot of determination in terms of thinking, reasoning, understanding, and solving. Due to their extraordinary skills, mathematics students are considered as a genius. Deoxyribonucleic Acid and genetics can easily be explained in the form of mathematical equations. Through x and y chromosomes we can easily determine their properties. Supply and demand of things in economics can be determined by x and y. In the Construction of marine ramps, trigonometric angles play very important role. Probability is the concept of mathematics which is used very often in daily life for making the right decision.

Mathematical modeling is very useful in the construction of buildings, dams, bridges, etc. Foundation of a building, the load of pillars, floors of the building are decided through mathematical modeling. The strength of a dam is decided through a damp-breaking flood routing process through mathematical modeling. Weather predictions are also explained through predictive modeling.

Mathematics plays an important role in the field of medical too. Mathematics is for predictions and solutions for many diseases such as Cancer, Diabetes, HIV-AIDS, and Dengue, etc. through mathematical modeling. In current situation mathematics also plays an important role in predictions and solutions of COVID -19 or coronavirus. Either may be in terms of data collection or graphs of up and down in different conditions.

As a parent, you could discuss with your child how they can use mathematics in their daily life. You could also discuss with family members and friends how they use mathematics in their daily lives. So, B.Sc. (Mathematics), M.Sc.(Mathematics) has many future prospects for students with PCM at the 12th level.

Blog by- Ms. Akanksha Shukla
Assistant Professor

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