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scope and the history of nursing

the history of nursing


Hello there, I hope you’re doing well. You all know about the importance of nursing in the medical field. In this blog, you’re gonna read about the scope & the history of nursing. Also, you’ll read about the highest administrative position in Nursing. So, keep reading till the end.

Let’s get started….

The History of Nursing

Earlier, In 1946, the RAK College of Nursing in Delhi and Vellore started the first four-year basic Bachelor’s Degree program.

Then, In 1947, after the independence, the community development program and the expansion of hospital service created a large demand for nurses, auxiliary nurse midwives, health visitors, midwives, nursing tutors, and nursing administrators.

Afterward, The Indian Nursing Council came into existence by our ordinance on December 31st, 1947. The council was constituted in 1949. Further, In 1960, The first master’s degree course, a two-year postgraduate program  began at the College of Nursing, Delhi. Lastly, In 1963, the School of Nursing in Trivandrum instituted the first two years post certificate Bachelor’s Degree program.

The associations such as the International Council of Nurses, the nurses auxiliary of the CMA of India, T.N.A.I. Generally, Indian Nursing council and State level Registration Council are closely connected with the promotion and upliftment of the nursing profession.

Scope in Nursing

There was a time when professional nurses had very little choice of service because nursing was centered in the hospital and bedside nursing. However, Career opportunities have increased now for a number of reasons.

The list of opportunities in Nursing are:

Staff Nurse

Ward sister or Nursing Supervisor

Department Supervisor/Assistant Nursing Superintendent

Deputy Nursing Superintendent

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Nursing Superintendent

Director of Nursing

Teaching in Nursing

Basically, the functions and responsibilities of the teacher in nursing are planning, teaching, and supervising the learning experiences for the students. Likewise, the positions in nursing education are clinical instructor, tutor, senior tutor, lecturer, associate professor, Reader in nursing, and Professor in nursing.

Industrial nurses are providing first aid, care during illness, health education about industrial hazards, and prevention of accidents.

Military Nursing service became a part of the Indian Army which means nurses became commissioned officers. Even, they achieve ranks from lieutenant to major general.

Nursing Services abroad give attractive salaries and promising professional opportunities which causes a major increase for nursing services abroad.

Nursing Service in Administrative positions


Blog by: Ms. Rumana Ali

Department 0f Nursing

Biyani Group of Colleges, Jaipur

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