How To Be A Good Daughter

All the children work hard to make their parents feel proud of them, ignoring which gender they are. To be a good daughter means to make feel satisfied with the sacrifices the parents made. Our parents sacrifice their career, hobbies for us. They want that the things they have suffered throughout their student life should not be faced by us.

Being a good daughter, you should support your parents in financial, mental and emotional phases of their life. The relation between the daughter and her parents is pious. For every parent their child is very precious gift they have ever received from God. Especially the baby girl is very priceless for them. And daughter is the bright sunshine of her house.

For becoming a good daughter it’s a very big/huge responsibility. Every parent has a dream to see their girl as an independent, self-confident and strong.

Here I am sharing some tips to become a good daughter and a child which every parent want that their children should do-

  1. DISCUSS PROBLEMS WITH THEM – Parents play a important role in our lives and no one is eye opener than parents. So it’s very important to discuss problems with them. Our parents love it when their daughters tell them all their problems.
  2. INTRODUCE YOUR FRIENDS – Friends are someone, we are growing with, so it’s very important to introduce them with your parents. Being a good daughter if someone has a special place in your heart it is our responsibility to introduce him to your parents.
  3. RESPECT THEIR DECISION – Every parent know what is best for their child. We should not do the things that they are forbidding us to do.
  4. SHARE YOUR FUTURE PLANS – Tell your future goals to them. We should take advises from them because no one knows us well expect them. They always motivates us to achieve our goals and help us to become a good person in life.
  5. BE THERE TO SUPPORT THEM – All days are not good for everyone. We all suffer from many problems. So when our parents need us more we should be there for them.
  6. SHOW LOVE – The reason why in Indian culture , parents are considered as a god. They need our love just like we need their love and care. Sometimes our parents are frustrated or get stressed due to some impossibilities and if they angry on us then we should be calm and understand the problem and find ways for them to be out .

These are some ways how we become a good daughter. For parents their children are best but also we have some responsibility to make them proud and happy. To be a good daughter it requires nothing more but to keep a soft corner in their heart.

Lastly being a daughter of my parents  , I want to say that I will become a good daughter and feel them proud …

Blog By :-

Nikita Khandal (B.Com I Year)

Department of Commerce & Management

Biyani Group of Colleges

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