Important Rules of International Code of Botanical Nomenclature
1) According to binomial system name of any plant species consist of two names.For E.g.: Solanumtuberosum (botanical name of Potato)The first name show generic name& second name show specific name.Both
Fred Riggs, who is known as the Father of Comparative Public Administration is propounder of ecological approach. He wrote the book “The Ecology of Public Administration” in 1962 in which
Why Should We Conserve Wild Life
Wildlife is a precious gift of God to this planet. The term ‘Wildlife’ not only includes wild animals but also includes all undomesticated life forms including birds, insects, plants, fungi
The Role Of Nurse
Introduction Hey there, I hope you’re doing good. This blog is all about the Role of Nurse in Primary Health Care as is the first level of contact from which
Industrial Jurisprudence In Labour Law
Introduction Hey there, I hope you’re doing well. We all know how important ‘labours’ are for any industry. Still, labours face many problems and discrimination in law. In this blog,
Memories-My first day at college
The only joy in the world is to begin. It is good to be alive because living is beginning, always, every moment. When this sensation is lacking”as when one is