Electronic Human Resource Management (E-Hrm): Growing Role in Organisations

Today, Hr is not treated as a single function. It’s a collection of highly specialized capabilities — each with distinct objectives, tasks and needs. There is an ever-increasing pressure on Human Resource (HR) function to support strategic goals and to focus on value adding activities. Organizations have realized the growing importance of using Information Technology (IT) in leveraging their Human Resource (HR) functions. This takes the form of e-HRM (Electronic Human Resource Management). e-HRM is the (planning, implementation and) application of information technology for both networking and supporting at least two individual or collective actors in their shared performing of HR activities. E-HRM is in essence the devolution of HR functions to management and employees. They access these functions typically via intranet or other web-technology channels. The empowerment of managers and employees to perform certain chosen HR functions relieves the HR department of these tasks, allowing HR staff to focus less on the operational and more on the strategic elements of HR, and allowing organisations to lower HR department staffing levels as the administrative burden is lightened. E-HRM is seen as offering the potential to improve services to HR department clients (both employees and management), improve efficiency and cost effectiveness within the HR department, and allow HR to become a strategic partner in achieving organisational goals.
This paper is an attempt to highlight the importance of e-HRM for the organizations. If organizations have to be successful in the competitive environment then they have to adopt new technologies like e-HRM and it is a innovative technology in managing human resources. This paper shows that e-HRM has so much objectives as well as it has a large scope and challenges to employees and employers to do their work effectively. Therefore e-HRM is way of doing HRM.


Author: Shikha Dugar

Congenital heart disease (CHD)

It refers to structural abnormalities of the heart that are present at birth. These defects can affect the heart’s walls, valves, or blood vessels, leading to problems with blood flow.

अभिप्रेरणा की वर्तमान प्रासंगिकता

अभिप्रेरणा की वर्तमान प्रासंगिकता वह आंतरिक कारक या दशा जिसमें क्रिया को आरंभ करने से लेकर उसे बनाए रखने की प्रवृति होती है जो जब तक जारी रहती है जब