Introduction and Structure of Eye

The orbit is the bony cavity that contains the eyeball, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels, as well as the structures that produce and drain tears. Each orbit is a pear-shaped structure that is formed by several bones.

• Anterior chamber- The region of the eye between the cornea and the lens that contains aqueous humor.
• Aqueous humor- The fluid produced in the eye.
• Ciliary body-Part of the eye, above the lens, that produces the aqueous humor.
• Choroid – Layer of the eye behind the retina, contains blood vessels that nourish the retina.
• Cones- The photoreceptor nerve cells present in the macula and concentrated in the fovea (the very center of the macula); enable people to see fine detail and color.
• Cornea- It is the outer, transparent structure at the front of the eye that covers the iris, pupil and anterior chamber; it is the eye’s primary light-focusing structure.
• Iris- The colored ring of tissue behind the cornea that regulates the amount of light entering the eye by adjusting the size of the pupil.
• Lens- The transparent structure suspended behind the iris that helps to focus light on the retina; it primarly provides a fine-tuning adjustment to the primary focusing structure of the eye, which is the cornea.
• Macula- The portion of the eye at the center of the retina that processes sharp, clear straight-ahead vision.
• Optic nerve- The bundle of nerve fibers at the back of the eye that carry visual messages from the retina to the brain.
• Photoreceptors- The light sensing nerve cells (rods and cones) located in the retina.
• Pupil- The adjustable opening at the center of the iris through which light enters the eye.
• Retina- The light sensitive layer of tissue that lines the back of the eye.
• Rods- Photoreceptor nerve cells in the eyes that are sensitive to low light levels and are present in the pupil, but outside the macula.
• Sclera- The tough outer coat that protects the entire eyeball.
• Vitreous- Clear jelly-like substance that fills the eye from the lens to the back of the eye.

Congenital heart disease (CHD)

It refers to structural abnormalities of the heart that are present at birth. These defects can affect the heart’s walls, valves, or blood vessels, leading to problems with blood flow.

अभिप्रेरणा की वर्तमान प्रासंगिकता

अभिप्रेरणा की वर्तमान प्रासंगिकता वह आंतरिक कारक या दशा जिसमें क्रिया को आरंभ करने से लेकर उसे बनाए रखने की प्रवृति होती है जो जब तक जारी रहती है जब